Case Initiation
The Case Initiation module creates a file for the case in the system,
to which all images and other records are attached. It schedules a case
from pre-trial hearing and assigns a case number and judge.
The Calendar module organizes cases for the judge and provides access
to case data, document images and courtroom hearing workflow.
Data Entry
Using a laptop in the courtroom, deputy clerks can enter information on
proceedings directly into the system as needed. For example, in the case
of a dismissal, the deputy clerk can input all the information needed
to close the case automatically, once the dismissal order is signed by
the judge.
Document Generation and Routing
Using information from the case record and further data entered in the
courtroom, the system automatically prepares a variety of documents, such
as hearing memos. These documents are docketed automatically, making them
immediately accessible by the public, and copies are printed for all parties
present in the courtroom.
Signature Capability
The judgment is prepared automatically and sent to the judge, who can
sign it electronically. The system dockets the judgment and sends it,
along with related documents, to the Official Records System and closes
the case.
NewVision’s Delinquent Tax Solutions automates the tax deed sales
process, from the time an application is received in the Tax Deed office
to the recording of the deed in the Clerk’s Official Records.
The NewVision system speeds tax collection and makes recordkeeping much
easier and more accurate than in the past by creating a digital
folder in which all of the forms, certificates and information related
to a sale is kept securely and accessed easily as required by designated
The system stores dozens of letters and reports that can be generated
as needed, including monthly and quarterly reports, sheriff notice, letter
to judge, lands available, a barred bidders list, current sale list and
account summary. Hardly anything needs to be created from scratch once
the system is up and running.
PDF for more information.
NewVision’s Juvenile Delinquency Court
Case Management System is a powerful tool for speeding juvenile cases
through the courts.
The system enables staff — via an electronic workflow process, including
scanning, recording and cashiering — to automatically prepare motions,
filings, orders and schedules. The integrated digital file can be directed
in real time to judges, juvenile justice agencies, attorneys and others
with approved access.
The automated process of imaging, docketing and case file retrieval not
only enhances staff productivity but ensures that the process is significantly
more accurate while protecting confidentiality.
While NewVision’s Juvenile module can stand on its own, it’s
generally part of a more comprehensive system that may include County
Civil, Circuit Civil, Dependency, County Criminal, Circuit Criminal, Traffic,
County Probation and Pre Trial modules.
NewVision’s Probate Court Case Management Application is
a fully integrated paperless system designed to efficiently and accurately
track and move cases through the courts. The application manages the filing
and docketing of Probate cases, giving judges, attorneys and the public
quick and efficient access to all relevant documents in the three Probate
departments: Mental Health, Guardianship and Estates.
The system allows the court staff to
a case, enter parties and attorneys and automatically assign a judge,
court section and a case number.
the documents into a newly created electronic docket, making them
readily available to the court staff and to the public
at public stations in
the courthouse.
the data that was previously entered, enter additional data as the case
progresses and seal, associate or consolidate cases.
documents such as summonses or final judgments by using MS Word
templates of official court documents that are auto-populated
with the case details
when called by the user.
retrieve cases by using a variety of quick sorting criteria.
the court calendar, adding hearing data, and routing final judgments
in a rapid and efficient manner.
A separate Probate Court Administration module allows an administrator
to maintain the Probate Court tables that control the case and docket
types, division indicators, and disposition codes. The module also
allows the administration to assign the user names and passwords that
control access to the system and establish system security. Sensitive documents and private
information such as social security numbers may be sealed from all viewable
areas of the system.