Office of the Ledyard Town Clerk
Land Records Public Search

The Town Clerk is pleased to offer 24/7 Internet access to the Next Generation Search application, SearchNG, which allows for real-time search, retrieval, and printing of land records data and documents stored on the Town Clerk’s Land Records System. Records stored on the system date back to January 3, 1962. In addition to the land records, all property maps, foreclosed property registrations and trade names are available on the system. With SearchNG, all search features available on Town Hall workstations are available to Windows users via the Internet.

Please consider using this invaluable online program to eliminate travel time and related costs, improve efficiency, create a more flexible workday, and shorten your search turn-around time.

You may continue to search the indexes free of charge, or you may subscribe to view and print images. Subscription options are a 1-month subscription at a cost of $20 or a 1-year subscription at a cost of $150. Both subscription options are subject to a convenience fee. Once you subscribe, the cost to print is $1.00 per image. You may pay as you go for printing images, which charge is also subject to a convenience fee, or you may prefer to save on convenience fees and prepay into an account than you can draw on from time to time for printing.

A search will return a list of Grantors/Grantees or Parties, Recording Date of the Document, and the Book/Page and Instrument Number of the Document. You may search on “Party Name,” ”Document Type,” “Date Range,” “Instrument Number,” “Book /Page,” or “Map Number.” The user is advised to search on all possible spelling variations of proper names in order to maximize search results. (Less is generally better , for example, use "DOE J" rather than  "DOE John Jay") For full instructions, please see the link at the bottom of this page just before selecting your search option.

If you desire a certified copy of a document, either submit your request in writing along with the applicable fee ($1 per page copying fee plus $2 per document certification fee) via US Mail to the Town Clerk’s Office, 741 Colonel Ledyard Highway, Ledyard CT 06339 or visit us in person with your request and payment.  If you have any questions, contact us via email :  or Phone: 860-464-3257 .


This site only contains index data and images relating to land records, property maps, foreclosed property registrations and trade names for the Town of Ledyard.

The Town of Ledyard presents the information on this web site as a service to the public. We have tried to ensure that the information contained in this electronic search system is accurate. The Town of Ledyard makes no warranty or guarantee concerning the accuracy or reliability of the content at this site or at other sites to which we link.
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